Build great work relationships with sport events
Great work relationships are necessary for everyone who wishes to grow a career or a business. Trust is the base of healthy human interactions and is vital in the workplace. Since we are naturally social creatures, we thrive on friendships and positive interactions. The more we will find such relationships at work, the happier and more productive we will be. Work will be more enjoyable and easier in teams where trust and mutual understanding exists and probably you have experienced this already: when you are relaxed and enjoy your environment, you become more creative and innovative.
Apart from building great relationships within internal teams, working relationships need to be nurtured with the professionals in your circle as well, be they customers, suppliers, or key stakeholders. How to build this creative – productive atmosphere in the workplace or strong business relations with partners is the subject of many theories, however today we bring to your attention something very easy to reach to, easy to implement, with great results: sport events.
Why Good Work Relationships can be Built with Sport Events:
Great work relationships do not simply happen, they need a context to grow. Being involved in your local sports community or participating at local sport events help you in many ways to become the great co-worker or preferred business partner, because:
Sport Events help you develop your people skills.
Nothing beats direct human interaction, and skills such as collaboration, communication and conflict resolution, can be developed or proved outside the workplace while practicing sports. People manifest their values and beliefs in every endeavour they take, so if you want get to know your colleagues or partners better, sport events offer you this exact opportunity.
Sport Events create that context where you can easily interact and meet people.
Great relationships need time. And if you decide to allocate this time to build great working relationships, sport events just offer you the context to do so, be it at trainings or in competitions.
Sport Events help you to know yourself and your needs better.
Whether it is running, cycling, climbing, golfing or any other sport, practicing it will bring you face-to-face with your real self. You will hit a wall at a certain point, mental and physical effort will challenge your perseverance and will test your limits. Team activities such as running relays or climbing in teams, where you count on your partner(s), will test your patience, empathy and willingness to cooperate. Great relationships happen to people who know themselves, understand their needs and those of others, and are willing to do what is needed to make them meet when common objectives are set.
Sport events help you grow your emotional intelligence.
Sport events are all about emotions. Joy and sadness, pride and disappointment, excitement, you will experience them all at a certain point. Sport events offer opportunities to grow, and recognising emotions clearly in you as well as what they tell you, will help you recognise them in others and be a better partner or team member.
Sport events are great opportunities for building teams and partnerships. For all the reasons above, sport events should count among the first go-to choices when designing a personal or business strategy for building great work relationships. After all, we are only human, and it is simply natural to work better and achieve better results when we enjoy our company and what we do. So, since spring is here and temperatures are friendlier, take advantage of the outdoors and the sport events that are scheduled by your local organisers. Gather your team or invite your business partners to train together. Results will show, sometimes earlier than expected.
Thinking where to start?
Based in Oradea: gather you team for Crosul Companiilor Oradea, that takes place on June 18, 2017.
Based in Cluj-Napoca: start training for Maraton Apuseni msg systems, that takes place on May 27, 2017 in the picturesque Apuseni mountains.
Contact us for registering your team at any of these two events. Not keen on running? We can suggest other activities: trekking, hiking, climbing, cycling tours or even ski touring abroad, where winter still reigns. For details about any of the above, send us an e-mail at office[@]yourfunstudio.ro or call + 40 730 091 232.
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